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  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago

​As business slowly adjust to a new way of working, many new employees starting their roles will be doing so remotely – if you are joining a company or welcoming a new recruit, how should you approach those important first few days? Firstly, whilst the current situation may be unusual, employers should try where possible to follow their normal induction programme:

  • Provide copies of welcome documents beforehand to enable your new employee to read up ahead of their first day.

  • Prepare an introduction schedule so they can ‘meet’ key individuals through video calls and Zoom meetings.

  • Provide login details and copies of any instruction manuals that your new team member will need. Include relevant contact details should they need any support.

  • Provide a list of key dates and planned meetings and schedule catch-up calls at key points during their first few days so any initial concerns or questions can be addressed.

  • Prepare a simple ‘how we work together’ guide outlining the best methods of contact, format for any reports or correspondence and any you would like to be followed.

For an employee, starting a new job at any time can be daunting and taking on a role remotely can add additional pressure. Approach your first day as if you were to be based at your workplace:

Make the right impression; dress smart, set up a suitable workspace and be at your desk on time

  • Think about how you can structure your day – do you need to make adjustments to your usual working hours? Talk these through with your new line manager at your earliest opportunity.

  • Read your induction material and prepare a list of any questions in advance of your first telephone or video calls.

  • Check your log in details and familiarise yourself with any systems or programmes that you need to access.

  • Discuss with your line manager what is expected of you and agree a communications plan so you can feedback on how tasks are

  • If you will be managing others, make introductory calls to each person and establish their current workloads, where your support is needed and how you would like to be updated.

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