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  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago

Starting to search for a new role is one of the biggest decisions you will make. For some, it may be very clear that the time has come to move on but for many, there could be a number of different factors to take into account before polishing up your CV and searching for that dream next move.

It can often take time to reach the conclusion that a new role is what you need – some people take between 12 months and two years before taking the steps to make the change. Whilst it may be good to take time to think through your options and not take drastic measures to having had a bad day at the office, it is also beneficial to consider if there is something which is holding you back and making you stay in a job you no longer enjoy such as opportunity for progression.

Have you got your feet well and truly under the table?

Your current role may be well within your comfort zone, you know what you are doing and you are getting paid a good salary. But it may no longer offer you any sort of challenge and as a result your heart just isn’t quite in it anymore. You are comfortable – but whilst it may seem like the easy option just to carry on, long-term you could find that you become increasingly dissatisfied with your position, your confidence will decrease and that dream role you have always wanted gets further and further out of reach.

What if you make the wrong decision?

This can be particularly tricky, especially if you are not majorly unhappy in your current role but you know that to take the next step in your career a change will be necessary. It’s worth having a chat to a specialist recruiter who can work with you to understand what you want to achieve in the longer term and can help map out the steps that will help you to achieve your goals.

Do you think that you would be letting your boss or colleagues down?

Loyalty is an important quality and one which is highly valued by employers and employees alike. Your boss may have given you a great opportunity or supported you in the past however if when you look ahead you cannot see that there is anywhere else for your to go, it could be time for you to look elsewhere. It is always difficult to leave behind your team members – particularly if you have worked with them for a long time and consider many of them to be friends. You might also feel guilty that your departure could be unsettling or add to the workloads of others but remember, nobody is irreplaceable and by leaving you may open up new opportunities for others.

Could you be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire?

What if my next job is no better than the one I’ve got? It is always beneficial to look at what you don’t like about your current position and try to separate aspects of the role itself with what you feel about the company and the people you work with. You might find that you enjoy the work that you are doing but a different organisation would be a better fit for you culturally; alternatively there could be elements of your current job where you would like to develop more in-depth knowledge and you should look to seek out opportunities within specialist areas.

Do you have time to look for a new job?

Searching for a new role can be extremely time consuming and potentially difficult to find opportunities to attend interviews around your current employment. Research which recruitment experts specialise in your sectors – they will work hard on your behalf and prove to be a useful conduit between yourself and potential employers.

What if you are rejected?

Are you put off applying for a new position just in case you don’t get it? It’s only natural to not want to experience rejection but instead of letting that hold you back, make sure you do your research into what the role involves and prepare careful responses to demonstrate your knowledge and experience. Put yourself in a practice interview situation to hone your skills – particularly if it has been a while since you applied for a position – and bear in mind that interviews are a two-way process so it is as much about you finding out if the opportunity and the company is right for you.

It is worth arranging an informal appointment with an experienced recruitment consultant who will be able to discuss with you the range of opportunities available and offer you confidential career advice which can help you come to the right decision.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance and accountancy professionals. With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today to find out more.