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  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago

I find it hard to explain why I want to leave my current role and worry about what the interviewer will think about my reasons – are there ‘good’ reasons for looking for a new job?

This is a very common worry for candidates. Sometimes the reason is nice and straight-forward – such as relocation to a new area – and requires little further explanation. However, in most cases, it is more likely that you have simply reached the end of the road with your current employer – and this can be for any number of reasons – and finding the right way to articulate that to someone you are trying to impress as a potential new boss can be tricky.

First of all, remember that the interviewer is not asking this to try and catch you out. It is more about trying to get an understanding of your motivations for moving, career ambitions and to assess if there is synergy between what you are looking to achieve and the direction in which the company is heading 

As part of your interview preparation, you should give real consideration as to why you want to move and think about how you can communicate these reasons in a positive manner that demonstrates to the interviewer that you have thought carefully about the next step in your career.

There are many valid reasons why somebody will be looking to secure a new role; gaining new responsibilities, desire for a new challenge and the opportunity to develop and learn new skills are all acceptable reasons for making a move and will show your potential new employer that you have the drive to further your career.You can deliver a compelling answer by including further information about your understanding of how the new skills, responsibilities and opportunities will enable you to help the company meet its own objectives.

There are of course, some definite no-no’s which will raise red flags with an interviewer. You should avoid complaining about your current organisation or your manager and colleagues. Yes, you may have been overlooked for promotion, you might find the management or leadership too overbearing, you could be picking up the slack for weaker team members, the working hours are too long or the salary and rewards too little – however this is not the time to be painting your employer in a bad light. If anything, it shows the interviewer that you may not be particularly tactful, or you could be someone that finds reasons for complaints and could be difficult to manage.

If there are problems that you cannot avoid mentioning, outline how you have tried to address the matter and what steps you have taken which will show a potential new boss that you are solutions-focused and not simply sitting back and waiting for somebody else to solve the problem.

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