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  • Publish Date: Posted 11 months ago
  • Author: Lee Sweeney

THE YORKSHIRES. BUSINESS AWARDS 2023 - in support of Yorkshire Children’s Charity.

What a privilege it was to be asked to join Yorkshire Children's Charity organising committee for The Yorkshires. Business Awards 2023.

For those of you that don’t know the charity, it very much does what it says on the tin, but further details can be found via this link - Yorkshire Children's Charity - do have a look, it’s amazing.

I have attended the Awards at The Queen’s Hotel (in both its previous and current form) for many years and it has always been a highlight on the calendar – this year’s takes place on Friday 17th November.

To move from attendee and observer to active participant was an honour I really hadn’t expected. But more than that, it has been a real eye opener.

The committee is in the throng of interviewing the board of directors from a select group of Yorkshire’s finest businesses; from smaller privately owned enterprises to mighty Plc’s and private equity backed powerhouses.


Through my years with Sharp Consultancy I am familiar with interviewing Executives of course but that has always been about their careers, goals and personal ambitions.

This is different.

This is about the companies and their place in the world – how they manage priorities such as #esg and #sustainability alongside corporate challenges, obstacles and collective objectives. This is team.

I spoke to a client recently who had just completed a MBO which they had led. Given they were still at the same business and turned up to the same office every day I asked them if it felt any different – his reply:

“Yes Lee, it feels completely different; I now have 500 people relying on me to get it right!”

This sums up the meetings for me. The overwhelming desire by these exceptional business leaders to get it right, do the right thing, make a difference and secure people’s futures.

I expected I would have to ‘give’ some of myself to help the awards – my time for sure, a little knowledge perhaps, some of my network and perhaps relationships.

I didn’t know I would ‘get’ far more than I 'gave'. I have been inspired, motivated and plain blown away and awed by some of the people I have met.

Thank you Yorkshire Children’s Charity for giving me this experience.

Images from The Yorkshires. Business awards 2023