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  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago

​Your interview has been a success and you have landed a new role. Once you have tendered your resignation with your current employer, you will need to work your notice period. It is just as important to make a good impression during your last few weeks with a company as it is to get off on the right foot in a brand-new role; take a look at our tips and suggestions on the best ways to conduct yourself during your notice period.

Understand how long your notice period is. Check your contract for details on the notice period that you will be expected to work – this may be a fixed term or increase annually based upon your length of employment. Your new employer may like you to start sooner than your notice allows but be respectful of your current company’s position and the time they will need to arrange your replacement. You may be able to use any holidays that you are owed as part of your notice period.

Gardening leave. Depending upon the role you are moving onto – if you are going to work for a direct competitor for example - your employer may place you on gardening leave for the duration of your notice period; whilst you will not actually be working during this time you are still being paid by your current company and will not be able to start your new role until after your official final employment date.

Make sure you remain professional. Maintain a conscientious approach throughout your notice period and continue to perform your role to the highest possible standards. Don’t undo several years of good work by being lacklustre in your last few weeks – make sure you leave a great last impression as you never know you may come into contact with former colleagues once again in your new job.

Uphold high standards. Continue to deliver work that is of the highest standard possible and make a full contribution to team meetings. Remain focused on key tasks and ensure that you continue to have good attendance and be punctual.

Don’t be boastful. It’s only natural that you will be excited about your new position but try to avoid bragging about it too much to your colleagues – and don’t put down your current employers, remember your peers will still be working there after you leave!

Agree your priorities with your manager. Arrange a meeting with your manager (and colleagues if applicable) to agree which tasks you should focus upon during your notice period. It may be that some projects need to be handed over to other team members so ensure that you are willing to help and offer assistance to bring people up to speed. Your day-to-day workload may decrease as you get closer to the end of your notice period so make sure you check in with your manager and continue to offer to help where you can.

Handover period. You may be asked to help your replacement get up to speed before you leave; be professional and remember that they will be as keen to impress in their new job as you will be in yours. If you are departing before someone has been recruited, try to complete any projects as best you can and prepare detailed notes so the transition is as smooth as possible.

Exit interview. Be constructive with your feedback and look share positive experiences as well as highlighting areas and offering suggestions where you think your employer can make improvements.

Your last day. You want to leave with a good reputation so make sure you remain professional to the end; take the time to say goodbye to colleagues and senior managers. You will be remembered as much – if not more - for how you conduct yourself during your final weeks with the company.

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