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  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

​I have an interview coming up and whilst I’m confident when it comes to discussing my career history and what I can bring to the role, I dread the end of the interview when I’m asked if I have any questions; my mind just goes blank! What questions should I be asking?

This is a very common stumbling block and can throw even the most confident interviewee off course. The key lies very much in your ability to prepare well in advance and be ready when the time comes for the interviewer to be the interviewee.

You have been so determined to deliver clear and concise answers throughout the interview which demonstrate your skills and ability for the role that is can be tricky to then change your focus and consider if there is anything more about the company or the position that you would like to know.

However, by approaching this potential question with same consideration and preparation as you have done for the rest of the interview you will be able to cement your future employer’s opinion that you are the ideal candidate for the job.

It is probably very likely that there are dozens of questions running through your mind which you are keen to find out the answers to – “what would my holiday entitlement be?” or “is there a bonus scheme? – but try and put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and ask yourself how you would react if faced with these types of questions as a candidate.

Employers could possibly look less favourably upon candidates who appear to be more interested in the pay and benefits associated with the role rather than displaying an enthusiasm about the company or the position itself.

Instead, you should look to ask insightful questions; you want to be asking something which demonstrates that you have done your research into the role beforehand, allows you a further opportunity to show you have valuable skills and experience or perhaps gives the impression that you are starting to picture how you would fit into the company structure should you be successful in landing the job.

Of course, there are many areas that could have already been covered during the interview itself you do have to remain nimble so that you don’t ask a question about something which has already been discussed in depth. If is worth having a few well-prepared questions ready that you can call upon, particularly if they can then lead to a further discussion or possible opportunity for you to give another insight into why you are the best candidate for the role; some examples include:

1. What do you enjoy about working here?

2. What is the company looking to achieve over the coming year / in the next five years?

3. What would a typical day be like for the person you appoint to the role?

4. What is the biggest challenge currently facing the company?

5. What can you tell me about the team / department that I would be joining?

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