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  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago

Love them or loathe them, the annual performance appraisal is a crucial part of your career development. A well-structured and managed review will not only enable your employer to provide feedback on your performance, but it is also a great opportunity for you to set out your goals and aspirations for the future and put in place a plan to achieve these.

Here’s our tips and suggestions for how you can make the most out of your appraisal:

  1. Review your previous appraisal and any interim meetings that have taken place. Look at the objectives that you were set and make sure you can confidently talk through what you have done to achieve these, the results and if necessary, the reasons why any have not yet been met.

  2. Do your preparation. As well as reviewing your previous objectives, make sure you consider your overall progress since you last appraisal. Your line manager may not know about all your accomplishments in detail so have a list of key highlights to talk through and try to emphasise how these contributions have made a difference to your team, department or company.

  3. View your appraisal as a positive opportunity. Even receiving negative feedback on certain areas of your performance can provide the opportunity to request further training and development which will lead to improvements.

  4. Consider your expectations. Do you feel that you have achieved what was needed to gain further responsibilities or a promotion to the next level? Make sure you gather your evidence and clearly communicate your goals for the future.

  5. Demonstrate what you can offer. If there are skills which you feel will be beneficial to develop and will add an extra dimension to your role, outline how these could have a positive impact and talk through any additional training or courses that are available.

  6. Listen to criticism. Nobody is perfect so be prepared to discuss areas where your performance may not be as strong. If you have previously been made aware of these be sure to communicate what steps you have already taken to improve and outline what you plan to put in place in order to continue to make advances.

  7. Stay focused. This is your opportunity to discuss you and your career so make sure you are clear in your responses and keep the conversation on track.

  8. Money money money. If your appraisal is combined with your salary review make sure you have researched benchmark salary levels for your role and level of experience. Bear in mind that these will provide you with a guideline and consideration will need to be given to market conditions and regional variations which could affect these figures.

  9. Show your ambition. If you want more responsibility or to step up the career ladder, make sure that this is communicated at your appraisal. However, if it appears clear that the opportunities you seek may not be available, consider if it may be time to move on. Remain professional and don’t be tempted to try and impose your own deadlines or offer ultimatums.

  10. Review your review. Gain the most benefit by regularly reviewing what was discussed in your appraisal; ensure that any training courses that have been recommended are set up and work with your line manager to agree what support you will need to meet your objectives. Put progress meetings in the diary to give you both the opportunity to make any adjustments or discuss changes in line with business development.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance and accountancy professionals. With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today for expert advice on your next career move.