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  • Publish Date: Posted over 3 years ago

When it comes to career success its often the little things that can make the biggest difference. Whether you are looking to secure a new role or gain a promotion, incorporating these three simple steps and making them part of your daily working habits could significantly enhance your chances.

Make time to network

The ability to make and develop strong relationships are fundamental to growing your career. Aim to connect (or reconnect!) through attending industry networking events and client engagements as well as building a rapport with colleagues in different departments of your organisation. Not only will you establish contacts that could prove beneficial, but you will also gain the opportunity to improve your communication skills and share and acquire knowledge about your sector.

Never stop learning

Improving your work-based skills does not need to be restricted to formal training courses or skills acquired through your role. Make time to gain knowledge and expertise in areas outside your core function; there is a whole host of easy-to-access learning materials in the form of online courses, podcasts and reading materials to enable to you master additional skills that can give you an edge over your peers.

Be online savvy

Make social media work your advantage by showcasing your industry knowledge online. Stand out from the crowd by writing and posting your own opinion pieces on key subjects on LinkedIn, creating your own blog or podcasts, making meaningful contributions on Twitter on industry-related matters and joining specific online groups where you can participate in discussions and debates on topics relevant to your sector.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance and accountancy professionals. With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today for expert advice on your next career move.
