Inspiring the Next Generation of CFOs: Insights from Sharp Consultancy at Deloitte’s Leadership Event

​Last Thursday 6th February Sharp Consultancy were kindly invited by Andrew Ward and James Izzard of Deloitte in Leeds to attend their Next Generation CFO Programme as Guest Speakers and to present on The Journey to Becoming a CFO – The Recruiter’s Perspective. ​Michael Ball and Lee Sweeney, both Partners in Sharp Consultancy’s, The CFO Partnership undertook the wonderful task. ​We asked Mike for his thoughts:"It was a wonderful experience presenting to some of the most inspirational Financial Controllers and Financial Directors in the region. The ambitious group of delegates will surely populate the board rooms of many of Yorkshire’s and the UK’s finest businesses in years to come and it was a privilege for Lee and I to share our experiences of what is needed to transition in to a first class CFO. Thank you, Andrew Ward and James Izzard, for the kind invitation"​Lee added:​​"As recruiters, there is often a misconception that conducting an executive search for a client is the sum total of our service offering. The reality is quite the contrary at Sharp Consultancy and The CFO Partnership. Working with individuals to support and advise them through their career journey is one of the most satisfying aspects of our roles. I would invite anyone currently on that path to contact us if they would like any further support"​The journey to becoming a CFO is one that requires dedication, strategic career moves, and continuous development. Events like the Next Generation CFO Programme provide invaluable opportunities for aspiring finance leaders to gain insights, build networks, and refine their approach to leadership. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, those who embrace learning and adaptability will be best positioned for success. ​Are you looking to strengthen your team with top-tier finance and accountancy professionals? At Sharp Consultancy, we excel in connecting your business with exceptional talent for temporary, interim, or permanent roles. With our well-established offices in Leeds and Sheffield, our experienced consultants are dedicated to serving businesses across Yorkshire and beyond. Don't leave your recruitment needs to chance—contact us TODAY and let's find the perfect candidates to drive your business forward.

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Here’s the first in a new regular series where we look to offer help and advice to candidates, employees and employers on a range of career progression and recruitment topics. Our highly experienced team of consultants will utilise their skills and knowledge to share insights in how to best to handle today’s burning workplace issues.

My workload is becoming too much for me to handle; I need some help but I don’t know how to ask as I’m worried it will look like I can’t cope and could affect my career prospects. What should I do?

Firstly, well done for recognising that you have become overloaded; it’s not always easy to admit and many people will try to hide the fact because, as you say, they are concerned that if they seem to be unable to cope it could affect their chances for promotion.

It is important to understand that feeling overwhelmed is not a sign of failure or that you are unable to do your job. Try to establish why you are overworked – is it because it is a busy time at work, there’s an important deadline looming or you are covering for a colleague who is absent, in which case your increased workload may be a temporary issue or is this an ongoing situation as too much is being expected of you because more tasks have been added to your remit.

Whatever the cause, it is important to address the matter in the right way; you don’t want to come across as complaining – even if your concerns are genuine – but instead you should demonstrate that you want to do the best possible job and that you don’t feel you can currently perform to the best of your ability.

Before speaking to your line manager, give some consideration to what tasks you are currently working on, what time will need to be allocated to them and any deadlines that have been set so you can look at how they can be prioritised. It is possible that after doing this exercise you may find that you can manage your workload better than you initially thought.

If however, you find that there is too much that needs to be done in too short a time frame, arrange to speak to your boss to agree the most appropriate way forward. Demonstrate that you have given the matter some thought by going into the discussion armed with possible solutions such as where another member of the team could provide assistance, a deadline that could be rearranged or a task that could be allocated to a colleague.

Your manager should appreciate your honesty and that you have identified not only that there is issue but have taken the initiative to come up with possible solutions before it’s too late to resolve the matter. In doing so, you will have demonstrated to your manager that you are prepared to take responsibility for your workload and can think through a situation and are not simply wanting someone else to sort out the problem for you.

Good luck!

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance professionals. With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today to discuss your recruitment needs with a member of our team.