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  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
Our essential guide to what you should – and shouldn’t do – to deliver the best interview you possibly can


  • Find out as much as you can about your potential employer; read their annual report, check out their website and follow them on social media

  • Make sure you understand the type of business that they are involved with and brush up on your knowledge of the key issues and market trends

  • Understand what will happen on the day - how long will you need to be there for, will there be a written assessment or psychometric test involved?

  • Read your CV and the job description and ensure you are confident on all the key points

  • Create the right impression from the outset by dressing in professional and presentable manner. Make sure whatever you wear is comfortable and well fitting and clean!

  • Make eye contact and keep it natural and friendly – smile at the appropriate moments and appear warm and open to any questions and comments

  • Be aware of your body language and make sure that you are sitting comfortably and not shuffling nervously in your seat

  • Be enthusiastic – employers are looking for people who can carry out the work efficiently but they also look for candidates that will add something to the company

  • Be positive about your own skills and attributes and try to link these back to the potential job role to show your suitability for the position

  • Keep the conversation flowing and give full and detailed answers. Stick to the point you want make and give careful and concise responses to the questions

  • Take time to think about your answer to each question; if you are unsure ask for clarification and avoid long and convoluted answers



  • Don’t be negative about your current or past employers; give positive reasons for why you are looking for a new role

  • Nothing creates a bad impression like somebody arriving late for an interview; get the exact address and do a trial run if possible. Aim to arrive 10 minutes early so you can relax and gather your thoughts beforehand.

  • Ask about salary and benefits until it is raised by the interviewer; many would-be employers can be put off a candidate if they feel they are too interested in the potential salary and rewards rather than the position itself

  • Lie about your current salary to try and secure a better package. Most employers are very much aware of salary levels within their industries and will not look favourably upon someone that they feel is not being honest about their expectations.

  • Cover up areas of your CV – you will get caught out! Be clear in your responses and explain how you have taken steps to improve or the circumstances behind any career gaps such as travelling, maternity leave or redundancy.

  • Come across as being cocky or arrogant – you should be confident in your ability but make sure you are likable with it


Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance professionals.  With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond. CONTACT US today to speak to a member of our team about your next career move.