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  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago

​Interviews can be daunting experience; in order to perform to the best of your ability a cool head and thorough preparation are key to your potential success. Whilst it is virtually impossible to predict just what an interviewer will ask you on the day, there are a handful of common questions that are most likely to crop up. We take a look at what these are, why the interviewer will be asking you this question and what the best answer is for you to give.

Tell me about yourself

What the interviewer is looking for:

Your ability to tell them concisely why you are a good fit for the role on offer and how you might fit into the existing team

Best answer:

Keep it relevant – they are looking for a potted history of your work history and achievements to date as well as why you are looking to make a move

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

What the interviewer is looking for:

Nobody is perfect and it is important that candidates and employees can realistically appraise their own skills and abilities

Best answer:

Evidence your strengths with genuine examples and select a weakness which demonstrates how you have made – or intend to make – improvements in this area

Where do you see yourself in five years?

What the interviewer is looking for:

An idea of your goals and ambitions and how you can grow with the role available; they want you to demonstrate a commitment to the company and what you realistically hope to achieve with them

Best answer:

Marry up your own personal career ambitions with the objectives of the company and indicate how you can see yourself progressing within the role and how your contribution will be of benefit to your employer

Are you a team player?

What the interviewer is looking for:

That you can demonstrate that you know the importance of team work and can understand how your contribution benefits and impacts on your colleagues

Best answer:

Describe a specific situation where you can illustrate the value of team work –for example, where people had to come together for different departments, had a particular problem to solve or implemented a solution to an ongoing challenge. Ensure you can talk about your role within the team and the benefits of working with others.

Why should we hire you?

What the interviewer is looking for:

Someone who understands the skills and attributes that they have and can relate these to the position available

Best answer:

You need to stand out from the other candidates to focus on specific skills and experience which will demonstrate not only your ability to deliver in your role but give the interviewer an insight into your character, values and enthusiasm for the opportunity

Why do you want to leave your current employer?

What the interviewer is looking for:

Deliver a well-thought through, reasonable response as to why you have decided the time is right to make the move. This is not the time to bad-mouth your current employer – many industries can be quite close knit and it won’t do you any favours.

Best answer:

Focus upon your professional ambitions and desire for a new challenge – ensure that these are realistic and relevant to the stage that you are at in your career. Also bear in mind that how these fit with the length of time in your current job – have you changed roles frequently or have you been with one company for a considerable length of time?

Is there anything you would like to ask me?

What the interviewer is looking for:

Someone who has given consideration to the company that they are looking to join and the potential role available

Best answer:

Focus upon the future of the business, how the role you would be doing could develop and what contribution you will be making. Try to avoid asking questions about salary and benefits – whilst relevant you don’t want to come across as someone who is more interested in the perks than the role itself.


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