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  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago

Interviewing for a new role can be a nerve-wracking experience. More often than not people come unstuck by making some very common mistakes. Follow our handy hints to make sure you know how to avoid these and you are bound to impress!

Mistake Number 1 - Not doing your research about your potential new employer

“What do you know about our organisation?” It’s one of the most likely questions that you will be asked by your interviewer so make sure that it doesn’t trip you up.Preparation is the key and with so
many sources of information – company website, annual reports, news articles and social media feeds – there’s really no excuse for not being able to talk confidently and knowledgably about the company you are hoping to join. And as well as bringing you up to speed about the latest developments, your research will also help you to compile a useful list of queries so you won’t be left floundering when you are invited to ask questions at the end.

Mistake Number 2 - Not understanding the role

From reading the job description and discussing the position with your recruitment consultant, you should have a thorough understanding of what the role will involve and be able to link your skills and experience to what your interviewer is looking for.If there areas in which you are unclear – such as how your role will interact with other departments – then be sure to use any opportunity beforehand to ask questions.

Mistake Number 3 - Focusing on your weak points

We all have them! More often than not there will be a couple of elements where your skills and experience may fall short of the requirements of the role. Remember – chances are that this will have been evident from your CV and yet you have still been invited for an interview! Rather than talking yourself down with what it is that you can’t do or don’t have experience in, turn the question around so you can highlight situations where you were involved in a similar project or how you think the skills that you do have will be of benefit. Keep the conversation positive and be sure to demonstrate a willingness to learn to address any areas where you need to gain more experience.

Mistake Number 4 - Not being in the right frame of mind

You are going to be nervous – and that is only natural! No matter how senior you are or how many job interviews you may have experienced, nerves are always likely to play a part. Having
done your research beforehand and being fully prepared for questions that you are likely to be asked will go a long way to help settle those initial butterflies. Look upon your interview as a positive experience; don’t focus on what could go wrong and instead keep reminding yourself of all the valuable skills and experience that you can bring to the company.

Mistake Number 5 - Not thinking before you speak

You are so keen to impress that it is easy to let your tongue run away with you and launch into your answer – often before the interviewer has had a chance to finish asking their question! Look to stay calm, listen carefully to what the interviewer is asking before beginning your answer and take a few deep breaths to give yourself time to think through what you want to say before starting to speak. Not sure what the interview means by their question? There’s nothing wrong with seeking confirmation – it’s much better than assuming you know what they are after and answering incorrectly.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance professionals.  With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond CONTACT US today to discuss your recruitment needs with a member of our team.