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  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago

​As we gradually move towards the ‘new normal’, many accountancy and financial professionals across the Yorkshire region are reflecting upon their future career options. These are some of the most
commonly asked questions from candidates to our experienced team of consultants when it comes to their next role.

I was considering looking for a new role - should I now put this on hold?

Nobody knows when things will get back to ‘normal’ so it is worth continuing to look for new roles. We are seeing demand for top talent from a number of sectors including storage and warehousing, food manufacture and retail, energy suppliers and healthcare to name but a few. Discuss your career goals with a recruitment specialist who can guide you towards opportunities that are right for you.

I’ve got an interview via video conference – I’m not sure how to approach it?

Prepare as you would for any interview; review your CV and job description, prepare key points of interest and compile a few interesting questions that show you have considered the role. Before the interview, check that you have login details and passwords and that you are familiar with the technology and platform you will be using. Dress like you would for a face-to-face interview and set up somewhere that’s comfortable – yet professional – and you won’t be disturbed. For more tips on delivering a successful interview take a look at our Interview Guide

I’m starting a new role and my first day will be working from home – what should I do?

Imagine it like a normal first day – dress smartly, have a neat and tidy work area set up in advance and be at your desk ready to work on time. Review any reading material that has been provided and prepare a list of questions before your initial conversation with your line manager. Read more about starting a new role remotely here

I’ve been offered a new role - normally I would be keen to take but I’m not sure now is the right time to move?

Think about why you wanted to change roles originally; is it an opportunity that interests you, are you ready for the next challenge, will the pay and benefits be better? This period will pass and those reasons will still be relevant so don’t miss out on the right chance to move your career forward.

What can I do now to improve my future employment prospects?

Now is a great time to consider your next career move. Refresh your CV and LinkedIn profile, update your roles and achievements, review job adverts for similar roles to see what skills and experience is in demand and identify online courses, webinars or tutorials that you can participate in. Speak to an experienced recruitment consultant who specialises in your area – start those conversations early and you will have a head start on opportunities that arise over the competition.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance professionals.  With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond CONTACT US today to discuss your recruitment needs with a member of our team.