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  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago

​Working remotely – or working from home – is no longer an employee benefit or a way to improve work life balance; since lockdown, it has for many businesses become very much a necessity.

Directors, managers, team leaders and supervisors have found themselves faced with the challenge of managing their teams from a distance. Even for those experienced at working from home themselves or managing employees in various locations, the scale of the current situation will mean changes to the working patterns of each and every employee.

For some managers, they may also be looking at supporting newly recruited employees; a number of temporary and interim staff are being brought in for roles including credit control, payroll, forecasting and re-forecasting or to cover employee absences as a result of COVID-19.

Set you and your team up for remote working success with our suggested tips and guidance:

Communicate, communicate, communicate

Your team won’t be able to pick up on the verbal and non-verbal cues that help you and they judge the status of certain projects – encourage and initiate regular communication and one-to-one calls so there is agreement about what the key priorities are for the day.

Arrange regular team briefings and catch-up calls

Ensure regular briefings take place by arranging one-to-one calls and conduct team meetings via Zoom or Google Meet Hangouts. Take advantage of available technology and ensure your team can access and understand the resources that have been put in place. Encourage feedback from your team – which leads nicely into the next tip.

Be realistic in your expectations

Appreciate that it might not be possible for someone to work to their usual pattern throughout the week. Employees with children may be facing additional pressures on their time – ask what is feasible and, where reasonable, be flexible in how they are structuring their working times.

Focus on outcomes

Shift your focus to agreeing the outcomes that are expected for each person rather than concentrating on ‘working hours’ or the time taken to complete particular tasks. Agree suitable deadlines and be clear on your expectations about how and when you need to be updated.

Trust your team

It is unlikely that every person will currently be able to undertake all aspects of their role in the same so place your trust in them that they will be aware of what needs to be done. Working parents may need to adjust their day to incorporate school work and childcare which could see tasks being undertaken earlier in the morning or later in the evening than usual.

Employee wellbeing is vital

Working from home can be tough and the sense of loneliness and isolation can be especially challenging. Many people may be experiencing their own stresses and concerns relating to their families or financial situation. Encourage your team to be open and honest about any circumstances which could impact on their work.

Sharp Consultancy specialises in the recruitment of temporary, interim and permanent finance professionals.  With offices in Leeds and Sheffield our highly experienced team of consultants recruit for positions throughout Yorkshire and beyond CONTACT US today to discuss your recruitment needs with a member of our team.