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  • Publish Date: Posted almost 5 years ago
  • Author: Ben Graney

​A team from the Sheffield office will be supporting local charity Roundabout by taking part in its flagship event, Sleep Out 2019 on Friday 8thNovember.

Ben Graney, Lucy Capp, Elliot Watson, Becky Sandall, Caitlin Davidson, Sarah-Jane Keay, Nabs Dasgupta and Matt Civil will be swapping their comfy, warm beds for sleeping bags on a cold, hard warehouse floor to help raise much-needed funds and awareness for the charity which supports young people in South Yorkshire affected by homelessness.

Established in 1977, Roundabout provides shelter, support and life skills to over 250 young people and gives them a chance to turn their lives around by empowering them to break the cycle of homelessness.

The Sheffield office are a keen supporter of Roundabout and this latest fundraising effort follows the success of its annual Easter Egg Collection and Charity Golf Day.

Business Director Ben Graney said: “We are passionate about supporting Roundabout’s great work and whilst an event like this cannot truly replicate what it is like to be lonely, frightened and homeless, it raises awareness and can help to make a real difference to the lives of those affected.”

The team is aiming to raise over £1250 in sponsorship and if anyone would like to make a donation, please follow the link to the Sharp Consultancy Just Giving page

Over the coming weeks, the Sharp Consultancy team will be sharing thoughts and updates as they prepare for the Sleep Out. For further information on Sleep Out 2019 please visit contact Ben on 07943 577 233.